The latest from TT Headquarters: New Developments, Products & Events.

AKC Art Auction 2023
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The Innovative World of Fashion Designer Hannoh Wessel
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May 25 2023 – Tiffany Treloar
I’m so excited to bring in K&M to our store offerings. I hope that their vision of monochromatic glamour, minimalist experimentation and bold authenticity will resonate with you the same way it has with me.
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Hannoh Wessel
May 01 2023 – Olly Boston
Hannoh Wessel creates sublime garments which reflect his beginnings in the world of haute couture. From bold harlequin squares to pristine Italian made denims, Hannoh is a master of his craft. His garments have been featured on the international runway, in fashion magazines, and in the closets of celebrities.
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Monies News
April 14 2023 – Olly Boston
Newly headed by Karl Monies, son of the founders; avant-guard couple Gerda and Nikolai Monies. This first offering is a wonderful sign of things to come. Alongside homages to the Dutch modernism which the company is deeply rooted in the history of, Karl delivers a candy-coloured bolt of electricity.
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April 13 2023 – Olly Boston
Porta Palazzo is Italy’s largest open-air market. It’s huge. Staggeringly enormous, filled with every shade of produce your hungry heart could desire. Between the seemingly endless tables, circling high above are the Caspian Gulls with their sharp eyes waiting for the chance attendee to leave a fish unattended before they swoop. SERIEN°UMERICA have printed this view onto the most sumptuous matte...
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VAULT showcases Vintage
March 27 2023 – Tiffany Treloar
We were proud to be invited to the launch of The Vault, a boutique of vintage Australian fashion housed in Melbourne’s historic Block Arcade.
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TT Studio Sale @ BRIGHTSPACE St Kilda
March 21 2023 – Tiffany Treloar
Come and see where the magic happens at TT Headquarters March 23, 24, 25!
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Accessories Drop
October 28 2022 – Tiffany Treloar
IN.ZU Bags + Jewellery by Christina Brampti, Rosalba Galatini (formerly of Materia Designs) and Monies on the way...
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Recycled PETfabric Prints
October 18 2022 – Tiffany Treloar
New recycled PET fabric in development @ TT Headquarters. Your old plastic bottles never looked so good!
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November 11 2020 – Mandy Passmore
Tiffany Treloar store is now open at Malvern Central Shopping Centre.
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TRIPPEN has landed!
October 30 2019 – Tiffany Treloar
I am excited to announce that we are now stocking Trippen shoes from Germany. The range will be available at Tiffany Treloar Stores and online.
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EVENT: Up Close with Akira
September 02 2019 – Mandy Passmore
Up Close with Akira was a fabulous night, thoroughly enjoyed by all. Our lucky guests were treated to hilarious and insightful tales from Akira's life in the world of fashion.
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'The Other Fashion Capital' - As featured in Lost Magazine
July 09 2019 – Mandy Passmore
The Other Fashion Capital 3 July 2019 STORY AND IMAGES BY RICHARD CORNISH Fashion designer Tiffany Treloar stops on a lonely road near Glenlyon. She takes out her camera. She lines up the lens on an old gum tree, tortured by the prevailing wind. “It is so beautiful around here,” says Tiffany. Around the corner, she stops by an old...
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33POETS - designed by Rebecca Paterson
April 03 2019 – Mandy Passmore
Designer Rebecca Paterson of 33POETS designs from her studio located in Subiaco, Perth on the West Coast of Australia. She has been designing for more than 30 years in an atmosphere of the creative larrikin kind - quirky couture and grunge street. Rebecca Paterson's designs have been collected by the National gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, the Power House Museum in Sydney and...
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